If you like CELAR please do not hesitate to contact us
For all your enquiries regarding the CELAR project and its future intentions please feel free to get in touch with either the Project Coordinator, Nectarios Koziris or our Technical Coordinator Dimitrios Tsoumakos.
If you are already using CELAR, or thinking of using it, and require technical assistance you can additionally contact our technical support team.
Full contact details
Project Coordinator: Nectarios Koziris
Associate Professor
National Technical University of Athens
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Address:Office 21.7 or Computing Systems Laboratory (Room 21.34-5)
Zografou Campus, 157 73 Zografou,Athens,GREECE
Phone: +30 2107721531
Fax: +30 2107721292
E-mail: nkoziris@cslab.ece.ntua.gr
WebSite: www.cslab.ntua.gr/~nkoziris
Technical Coordinator: Dimitrios Tsoumakos
Senior Researcher
Computing Systems Laboratory, National Technical University of Athens
Address:Room 2.1.45, Zografou Campus, 157 73 Zografou, Athens, GREECE
Phone: +30 210 7721175
Fax: +30 2107721292
E-mail: dtsouma@cslab.ece.ntua.gr
WebSite: www.cslab.ece.ntua.gr/~dtsouma